Things are kicking off in a major way for U.S. and World Figure Skating. Is this the year that the glory days of old return? The days of Yamaguchi and Hamilton; the days when asking “What would Brian Boitano do?” was a serious technical skating question and had nothing to do with him breathing fire and saving the maidens oh so fair (still a personal South Park favorite). With the 2009-2010 competitive season approaching fast the skating world is a-buzz with talks of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, the upcoming U.S. Championships and the World Championships…It feels like just yesterday Evan Lysacek was crowned the men’s 2009 World Champion. It’s an annual sports anomaly that I witness every season with the Superbowl, Stanley Cup, Figure Skating Worlds etc. There’s a penchant for jumping to the next big event as soon as the winners are announced.
The NBA Finals are over (stupid Lakers) and its as if everyone already forgot about it, talking about next year…Let’s savor, nay, lets marinate on, then savor these major feats of sports prowess before hurtling our eager selves towards the next thing…It was only Sunday that I was punching the couch cushion and yelling at my dog that “If Howard could just make a gosh-dang (edited for content) free throw and if the Magic would actually play some defense we wouldn’t be in this mess!” (I know, I’m crazy…My dog doesn’t like the NBA, he’s all about the Stanley Cup…Makes absolutely no sense).
We are a fast-paced culture that revels in instant gratification but intimate connections. The social networking platforms that have popped up faster than the terrible celebrity couple names plaguing our news like Brangelina and Spidey (who the heck are they!?)
Twitter is the newest fad and one I’m still learning about and had a slight aversion too initially. But looking at how fans can link with their favorite, respective athletes is awesome. Take a look at this article on how the NBA is using social media (with much room to grow) http://is.gd/13uVG You can follow Gail on Twitter @PUBLISIDE
Here’s some skaters to follow on Twitter:
Ben Agosto: @Ben_Agosto
Kimmie Meissner: @kimmiemeissner
Tanith Belbin: @TanithJLB
Evan Lysacek: @EvanLysacek
Parker Pennington: @skateforlife13
Yuna Kim: @Yunaaaa
Rachael Flatt: @RachaelFlatt
Emily Hughes: @EmHughes26
Here’s a few great skating fanatic/expert tweeters to follow:
@Extreme_Twizzle (Me!)
This has nothing to do with skating…It’s my rock band!
A Season of Opportunity:
This is a season of opportunity for skaters and skating fans alike to connect through the wonderful world of social networking. Got a question for your favorite skater? No longer do you need to go through all sorts of channels, just ask them yourself (see the above list of skaters using Twitter and many have Facebook). So let’s all just reach out and digitally touch someone!
A Season of High Stakes:
The top four skaters in singles, pairs and ice dance at the Novice, Junior and Senior level will advance to the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Spokane, Washington, beginning January 14th. Since this year is an Olympic year the aforementioned competition will help decide who represents the U.S. at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver (starting February 12th) as well as the athletes who will be eligible to compete at the 2010 World Championships, beginning March 22, 2010, in Torino, Italy. Che il divertimento!
A Season of Comebacks:
2006 Olympic Silver Medalist, Sasha Cohen recently announced her return to competitive skating, shooting to be a member of the U.S. Olympic figure skating team.
Kimmie Meissner- Personally, one of my favorite skaters (her and Ben Agosto are neck and neck) is making her own comeback. America’s sweetheart Meissner, the 2006 World Champion, 2007 U.S. National Champion, and 2007 Four Continents Champion. (FYI- she is the first American and the first lady to simultaneously hold the World, Four Continents, and National titles) has recently changed scenery, moving to Florida, and is training hard while finding time to be the spokesperson for the Cool Kids Campaign helping children with cancer.
2-Time Olympic Silver Medalist and 3-Time World Champion Elvis Stojko Returns to the ice after a long hiatus. The outspoken and powerful skater is back. The king is reborn! Named for the King of Rock & Roll, this kung-fu master, adrenaline junkie is very passionate about the need for the power and masculine side of skating to be acknowledged. His first appearance will be at a KFC holiday special.
Xue and Hongbo- China’s most prestigious pairs team are making a grand return. Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo are once again gracing the ice after a retirement of two years. The 3-time figure skating world champions have their eyes set on the 2010 Winter Olympic podium.
Michelle Kwan-The recent college graduate with her political science still may make the biggest comeback of all and shoot for the 2010 Games (it’s still a long-shot, but one can hope). If she decides not to spend more time traveling around the globe through the State Department she’ll have to begin her comeback trail at the Southwest Regional Skating Championships, to be held in Scottsdale, Arizona beginning October 23rd.
A Season of Coach Changes:
Caroline Zhang, Mirai Nagasu, Jeremy Abbott, Keauna McLaughlin and Rockne Brubaker have all made recent coaching changes.
Is something missing? With all the recent skating buzz including Evan Lysacek’s fiery win at the Figure Skating World Championships in March and ice dancing pair Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto just missing gold by a hair and the 2010 Winter Olympics rapidly approaching, the air is electric…But what ingredient is missing? Perhaps a reality skating show that follows skaters around as they prepare for the Winter Games? A Bizarre Foods skater spin-off, where champion figure skaters explore all the exotic locations they visit and partake in local dishes of the exotic, extravagant and down-right weird?
Or maybe we just need to patent some fresh one-liners for the Olympic hopefuls like this gem from prior master of the ice…“I hope you brought your silver polish MacElroy, cause that was gold” (Chazz Michael Michaels-Blades of Glory). Either way this season is on! Let the games and tweets begin.