The show was amazing! How amazing, you ask? So amazing that it took me nearly two days (and 15 hours of sleep) to back to a normal, functioning state so that I could write this blog.
I’m trying to pick a good place to start… should I start when show day did, at 6:30 a.m. when the craziest of the Jonas Brothers fans began lining up outside of the U.S. Airways Arena – even though the show didn’t start until 5 p.m.?? Or perhaps I should start when the skaters began rehearsing at 10:30 a.m. They woke up bright and early ready to hit the ice nearly all day to perfect their choreography and make sure the night went without a single hitch.
Perhaps I’ll get sidetracked before I even begin and talk about driving the Jonas Brothers band from the hotel to the arena and asking the brilliant question: “So, you guys ever played a show like this – you know – choreographed to dance or skating or on the ice?” I was politely corrected by who I think was the keyboardist when he said, “um, yes, we’ve actually played shows like this and we’ve played on the ice before.” They then went on to tell me how they’d just flown in from Europe the day or two before. I think that next time, I probably won’t ask any questions.
But I think where I really want to start is with the REAL star of the show… Kristi Yamaguchi. It is, after all, the “Bayer Healthcare Diabetes Care presents Kristi Yamaguchi Friends & Family.” And I think it’s safe to say that she might’ve been one of the busiest (and hardest working!) ones out there! Between rehearsals for group routines, practicing the special number with her daughter to ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,’ visits to CrocPond’s Fat Cat Animation Studios to meet the super talented crew over there and hear the inspiring stories and cartoons that are being created for children there, interviews with various media members, an extra-special interview with Nick Jonas about his campaign to help kids cope with juvenile diabetes, taking the entire cast to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory, she was a BUSY gal.
The most amazing part? With her busy schedule, she still took the opportunity to spend time with her adorable daughters and equally adorable husband, Bret Hedican of the Carolina Hurricanes. (Okay – adorable may not be the right word to describe Bret – perhaps handsome? Good-looking? You get the point.) It’s very obvious that Kristi’s friends and family are her #1 priority even when things get hectic… ESPECIALLY when things get hectic. Her many family members were happy to step in and watch the girls when Kristi had to head to an interview or help out whenever needed.
On and off the ice, this weekend was truly about friends and family. Children ran (and skated!) circles around their champion figure skating parents while friends watched from the edge of the ice and cheered in support. Fans and their friends filled the arena and screamed for their favorite celebrities until their voices were gone. It was a magical evening to celebrate the most important people in our lives… our friends and family!
Don’t worry if you missed the live show! It was recorded and will air on NBC on Nov. 8, 2008 from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. EST. Even if you were there, be sure to tune in for surprises and special moments you might’ve missed!
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